Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli and Its Healing Powers

Lapis is the Latin word for "stone" and lazuli is the genitive form of the Medieval Latin lazulum, which is taken from the Persian lāzaward, meaning "heaven" or "sky", since the sky is blue; therefore, it is the "stone of heaven" or "sky stone".

According to, Lapis lazuli is an ancient gem, and as such, has a storied history. Egyptian cultures made a practice of burying a lapis lazuli scarab with their dead, and believed it to offer protection. The very earliest cultures valued lapis lazuli more highly than gold. Greeks spoke of an ancient sapphire which was included with gold, and this was unmistakenly lapis. Some believed that dreaming of lapis would foretell love that would be forever faithful.

When working or meditating with Lapis Lazuli, it can bring matters more clearly to the mind. It is one of the most powerful stones and should be used with care. Wearing a Lapis Lazuli ring can help you to become a channel. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli as a symbol of Truth.

Healing properties of Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed and should be only used by a healer. Lapis Lazuli has high intensity and can open many of the chakra centers. This must be done only with love in the heart and comprehension in the mind and wisdom in soul.

Lapiz Lazuli Wired Stretchy Bracelet


For Mental clarity (good to use during exams)

***see the gallery of my jewelry collection at my shop on Facebook:

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