How in the world can we be healed by crystals?
At first, I was also skeptic about this but since I am suffering from arthritis at an early age of 23, and have spent so much money on spa, electronic body masseur, medications, and diets just to relieve the pain, I decided why not give this thing a chance? There's no harm in trying, I told myself.
What I did is to order the stones and crystals online. These are said to relieve not only physical pain but also emotional and spiritual pain. The reviews on the internet told me that each crystal releases energy that reorient our own body energies to keep them flowing in the right direction.
Pain and illness are caused by blockages on our energy flow and channels. Chakra, Qi (pronounced as chi), or prana are the term used by eastern alternative medicine believers that they reorient by means of accupressure, accupuncture, pranic healing, and of course the crystal and stone healing. (Reiki)

When I purchased my first set of stones and crystals (amethyst, turquoise, tiger eye, rose quartz, lapiz lazuli, hematite, howlite, jade, onyx, clear quartz, and 7days/rainbow jasper) I did not used it right away but have searched and studied crystal healing in order for me to use the crystals correctly. For beginners, it is recommended to use only 1 kind of crystals because some people find the different energy levels that each crystal emit disturbing.

I started to use the Turquoise first because it is known as the master healer (you can also use clear quartz for the same purpose). Turquoise is one of my favorite stones because it has lessen the pain I feel due to arthritis(combine this with copper to enhance the healing energy of crystals). For a week of using the crystal, I have felt healthier so I decided to use 2 crystals for the next week, increased it to 3 and on until I feel comfortable with crystals. Only then that I decided to purchase crystals and tumbled stone beads to use them as jewelries.

This healing tool turned into a hobby where I create my own jewelry to accessorize and at the same time be healed by the power of the stones' energy.
For people who are suffering from pain, you might as well benefit from Crystal Healing. . .